Islamic jurisprudential and ethical considerations of practicing medical procedures on nearly dead patients; Part I- the theoretical section
End-of-life care and protection of the patient in the near-death moments are part of a patient’s rights and the duties of the medical staff. As the beginning and end of human life are most sensitive moments, there are various religious rules associated with them. The ethical issues regarding practicing medical procedures on nearly dead patients are of particular complexity and are consistent with invaluable and profoundly religious recommendations. In addition, the purpose of medical training is to provide physicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice appropriately and within legal and ethical frameworks. Therefore, respecting patients’ cultural and religious beliefs is an ethically accepted principle in the health systems of different countries and is the basis of respect for human dignity. The present study used a qualitative content analysis to explain how to practice medical procedures on a dying or nearly dead patient in accordance with Islamic jurisprudential rules. It was finally concluded that according to the Islamic jurisprudential rules of “authority”, “no harm”, “necessity”, and “public interest”, procedures performed on a dying patient could be used for training purposes under certain circumstances. Nevertheless, such activities should only be done with the patient’s permission and provided they cause no unnecessary harassment, and they may take place in the absence of alternative methods.
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Medical training Dying patient Death agony Islamic jurisprudential rules |
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