Nursing students' perceptions of teachers' uncivil behaviors: a qualitative research
One of the main issues in nursing education that teachers and students frequently encounter is uncivil behaviors. This type of behavior is destructive for the teaching and learning environment. As teachers play an important role in nursing students' education and are ultimately their role models, the identification of these behaviors in nursing teachers appears to be essential. This study was conducted to determine nursing students' perceptions of their teachers' uncivil behaviors.
The present study was conducted using a qualitative approach and content analysis. A total of 13 nursing students were selected through purposive sampling, and deep and semi-structured interviews were conducted with them. Content analysis was performed using an inductive approach.
Three main categories were obtained through data analysis; disruptive behaviors affecting communication climate (subthemes: humiliation, the lack of supportiveness, and distrust), disruptive behaviors affecting ethical climate (subthemes: self-centeredness, coercion and aggression, and harassment), and disruptive behaviors affecting learning climate (subthemes: poor teaching skills, poor time management, and indiscipline). Given that human dignity takes precedence over education, any action causing humiliation and embarrassment can have inverse effects on the students and may harm them. These behaviors taint the educational role. Since students select their teachers as their role models, the impact of teachers' uncivil behaviors on students cannot be neglected. Neglecting these behaviors might lead to their persistence in the clinical setting and irreparable damage to patients, who are the ultimate recipients of care.
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Issue | Vol 10 (2017) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Uncivil behavior Student perception Nursing teachers Qualitative research |
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