Original Article

Human dignity: a contract or an abstract?


Although human dignity has been the focus of many researchers, fundamental debates about its existence have often been ignored. Different views on human dignity and its existence can lead to divergent interpretations of human rights. In this study, we attempted to find an answer to the question of the nature of human dignity by examining and collecting the opinions of experts and analyzing and criticizing them. Our analysis showed that since dignity is linked to human existence and understanding, it has a subjective nature. Subjective existences have different types, including contractual and abstract. Contractual existence finds its way to objective entities through human thought, and it is changeable. An abstract existence, on the other hand, is created by perception of an objective entity in a constant way among human beings. Human dignity is consistent with the contractual type, because simply seeing a human does not bring to mind the existence of dignity and human rights. Once we accept the contractual nature of dignity, we must determine who bestowed this dignity on man. Through investigations, we came to the conclusion that God is the only one that can grant such privilege, and the existence of dignity for humans is a proof of God's existence.

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IssueVol 17 (2024) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/jmehm.v17i6.17105
Human; Human dignity; Human rights; Personhood; Bioethics.

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How to Cite
Jafari SA, Aramnia B, Tavasoli H, Tavasoli N, Abedi S, Fayaz-Bakhsh A. Human dignity: a contract or an abstract?. J Med Ethics Hist Med. 2024;17.