Original Article

The challenges of research in the field of human dignity


Research on human dignity is crucial for understanding the ethical foundations of human rights. Neglecting to address certain pitfalls in this area of research can lead to adverse effects, including the perpetuation of discrimination, the misrepresentation of dignity across different schools of thought, and the weakening of ethical standards in human rights discourse. The present study aims to identify such challenges by analytically examining outstanding research in this field. Our surveys have identified challenges and pitfalls that were categorized into two groups: challenges in the field of materials, and challenges in the field of methods. In terms of materials, researchers may fail to adequately consider the historical and cultural contexts that shape these views, while in terms of methods, they may overlook the diverse perspectives that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of dignity. Consequently, it is imperative for researchers to remain vigilant and avoid these pitfalls to ensure that their work upholds the true essence of human dignity and effectively advocates for the rights of all individuals, especially those from marginalized backgrounds.

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IssueVol 17 (2024) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/jmehm.v17i4.17103
Human dignity; Respect; Personhood; Human rights; Qualitative research; Bioethics.

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How to Cite
Jafari SA, Araminia B, Tavasoli H, Tavasoli N, Abedi S, Fayaz-Bakhsh A. The challenges of research in the field of human dignity. J Med Ethics Hist Med. 2024;17.