A dialog on common morality in medical ethics in a pluralist setting in Iran: a qualitative content analysis
The concept of common morality is fundamental in medical ethics, and lack of universal content and characteristics of common morality is a product of its multifaceted nature. This study aimed to identify the ideas and experiences of academic faculties regarding common morality in a pluralistic setting to promote conceptual knowledge and strengthen moral reasoning and ethical decision-making.The study was conducted using a qualitative method, employing semi-structured in-depth interviews with thirteen faculty members who were selected purposively. In order to assess their ideas and experiences, the transcripts of the interviews were analyzed using the content analysis method through directed and conventional approaches. The interviews were coded manually.Two themes were reflected in the interviews: ontology and epistemology of common morality.The study indicates that the debate about the subjective or objective dependence of common morality questions the coherence of Beauchamp and Childress' common morality (CM) theory, as common morality is the result of various individual and social factorthat influence moral thinking and decision-making in pluralistic environments. Additional studies are needed in order to investigate the effect of cultural, social, theoretical, ideological and individual factors on promoting clinical ethical reasoning and decision-making skills.
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Issue | Vol 16 (2023) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/jmehm.v16i3.12972 | |
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Principle-based ethics Common morality Clinical reasoning Cultural diversit Qualitative research |
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