Original Article

Identifying the dimensions of patient privacy in intensive care units: a qualitative content analysis study


In intensive care units (ICUs), patient privacy is of particular importance due to the structure of the ward environment and the critical situation of the patients. The aim of this study was to identify the dimensions of patient privacy in ICUs. For this purpose, a descriptive-qualitative-exploratory study was performed. The data collection methods included observations and interviews, which were handwritten and analyzed using qualitative content analysis with a conventional approach. A total of 27 participants were selected based on purposeful sampling and with maximum diversity of health-care providers and recipients. The study environment was the ICUs of two selected hospitals affiliated to the medical sciences universities of Isfahan and Tehran, Iran. The data were analyzed into 4 classes and 12 subclasses. The classes included physical, informational, psychosocial, and spiritual-religious privacy. Findings of the present study identified hidden layers of patient privacy as a multidimensional concept that is influenced by various factors. In order to provide holistic care, preparing the grounds for patient privacy ‎and familiarizing the staff with its various dimensions seem necessary.

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IssueVol 15 (2022) QRcode
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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/jmehm.v15i6.11048
Patient rights Privacy Intensive Care Units Iran

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How to Cite
Tajdari S, Irajpour A, Shahriari M, Saghaei M. Identifying the dimensions of patient privacy in intensive care units: a qualitative content analysis study. J Med Ethics Hist Med. 2022;15.